SoapSell Marketplace

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Make $100 Per Day Selling Your Soaps in the SoapSell Marketplace Part 1

How to Make $100 Per Day Selling Your Soaps in the SoapSell Marketplace Part 1

A quick search on and you will see that there are thousands of handmade soap makers around the world, working hard to build their brand online and make a decent living doing it.  Let me ask you this, could you live the life you want making $100 per day selling your soaps or handmade bath & beauty products? If you said "YES" then continue reading.

To start, this is nothing that is going to happen over night, so if you think that you're going to start making $100 per day on SoapSell Marketplace within a month, well you're wrong, and this may not be for you.  This is something that will take some time, but with hard work and dedication, you can be making $100 per day from your handmade soap business by the end of 2017.

First you have to open your shop, so if you haven't opened a shop in the SoapSell Marketplace, I suggest you do that now.  It's free to start your account.  It's free to post your products for sale.  The only time you pay is when you make a sale! (A small commission fee of 7% of the sale or less. Not including taxes or shipping.)

Once you have opened your shop, it's time to get some products uploaded.  The more products you have available the better.  But you also don't want to spread yourself too thin.  Starting with 4 - 6 products that are your best sellers is the way to go. The plan is to start building momentum, that's the key.  It's easier to make sales, when you're already selling. 

Once you've got your products uploaded, with great images to show them off online, you need to start setting goals.  First start with long term goals like, where you want to be in 5 years, and build backwards from there.  Break it down first into months, if in 5 years your goal is to sell $200 per day, slowly breakdown what it would take each month to reach that goal.  Then go a step further and figure out what steps you need to take each day to reach your goal.  Once you have a plan of action for each day, that's when you're really ready to get started.

Collect and Review your Data

If you read my post How to Make Your First Sale Online I explain the importance of reviewing the data that is collected by social media sites (i.e. post interactions) to find out what posts and images are working to drive the most traffic to your online store.  Once you figure out what posts are working, and drive people not only to your shop, but these people are also making purchases.

Once you've found a few of your posts that are working, BOOST THEM! If they're already working by driving customers to your site, customers who are making purchases (not all of them, but a good deal of them) then logic says if you get that post in front of even more people, your sales will go even higher. This is where you start to gain momentum.
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First, get your SoapSell Marketplace shop open.  It's free, so why wait?  That time that you're waiting, you could be building brand awareness, getting "LIKES" on your Facebook Page, and finding out what posts really engage your customers. This is something that will take a month or two to get the data you're looking for.  You DON'T want to just start advertising because so many people lose money that way.  If you don't know who your target market it, you'll just be wasting money.

This is just Part 1 in the series How to Make $100 Per Day Selling Your Soaps in the SoapSell Marketplace, a step by step guide to building your online soap or bath & beauty business.  To stay up to date with this post and more about starting and running a successful soap business, please feel free to Subscribe.

Thank you for sharing!

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